Monday, July 4, 2016

Reflection Paper (Return on Investment & Never Cease to Learn)

Judy An Jamorol                                                                                                                     July 4, 2016
BEED- 3                                                                                                                                      Sir. Ferdinand A.L. Cabeguin

Reflection Paper
(Return on Investment & Never Cease to Learn)

As I watched the video entitled “Return on Investment” by Ma’am Sabrina Ongkiko, a public school teacher at (Coleat Elem. School) who graduated at Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), I was so touched and my tears had dropped as she narrated her experience as a public school teacher, on how people reacted about her decision to be a public school teacher, many of her colleagues were shocked and told her why did she taught in just a public school besides, she graduated at one of the most prestigious school in Manila (ADMU), and then she answered them that, why couldn’t she? Public schools had great teachers and great students! But the things only people known and seen were the bad and negative sides about public schools, that the school is untidy, the teachers were ineffective, there were large number of pupils/students per classroom (max. 80), the students were stupid and still don’t know how to read even in grade 5. But they don’t know and see that the great teachers and students are just being silent in the corner and doing great things secretly, even other people don’t see them but they were and been a great ones. They weren’t recognized but they’re doing great jobs. Despite of the feedbacks of her colleagues, she had no regrets with her decision to become a public school teacher, she’s proud of it! She’s sharing her experience and telling her message on stage proudly wearing her DepEd school uniform. And she wanted to tell and show to her students that there’s no impossible in this world, she always reminded her students that they can! They can do everything as long as they believe in it, as long as they believe their selves.
            My experience that relates to it is that I was also a public student; I graduated my primary and secondary in public school (rural). I did relate to what Ma’am Sabsy said about the numbers of students per classroom, because when I was in high school, we were almost 90(max) in class, our black boards is just one step from the chairs, so narrowed, just to fit our classroom w/c is made up of bamboo sticks where in it’s so hot because we don’t have any fans and we were get wet whenever there is rain. We did have class in our bgy. multi- purpose hall (made up of wood), barangay hall, and other barangay offices that could be accommodated for us(students), because we don’t have proper rooms that time. Our school (high school) was just founded last 2013. We were the second batch of our newly build public high school. That’s why before we had our newly build school, we did experience struggles not only us (students) but especially our teachers who were eager to teach us rain or shine, even sometimes when the rain is heavy and the teachers must have to travel far so it’s hard for them to go to school directly because our road is rough and it will surely get muddy and slippery when rained, there were also times that our teachers got mild accident cause of the heavy rain. Despite all of those sufferings, we did learn a lot of things from our teachers and I could witness that there are lots of effective teachers in public schools but not recognized.
            While watching the video, and listening Ma’am Sabsy’s message, I can say that, I was enlightened by her message, because, honestly I also had the mind-set that private school is better than public, that the teachers in private is effective or more effective than public, but Ma’am Sabsy broke that mind-set, I did realize that there are really great teachers and students in public, silently and secretly doing great performances without knowing and seen by others. And I also realized that as a future teacher, I will do the same as Ma’am Sabsy did with her students, that I will be the motivator, giver, mother and believer to my students, that I will always show and make my students feel that I love them and care for them. I would always tell them that they can! They can pass! That they can do if they believe their selves! And as a teacher, I must to believe in my students first to see the outcomes. And with God, nothing is impossible!!!... On the other hand, the other video entitled “Never cease to Learn” the couples who are both teachers gave pieces of advice that marked in my mind and hoping to apply it in myself, that “effective teachers play the music with in them” and in order to achieve our goals, we must develop a good habits.!!